Former U.S Sec of Energy Steven Chu shares some sobering math on the state of the planet

We at Sustainable Aviation see climate change as a compelling driver for the development of new electric aircraft for passenger and cargo transport. In this video cast, Nobel Scientist and Obama’s first Secretary of the Department of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu, presents the latest truths about CO2 ppm and sea level rise. His expert testimony … Read more

SA proud to announce The SA Advisory Board

We are proud to announce that the following faculty members have joined the Sustainable Aviation Advisory Board.  The Board will advise SA on future initiatives and tech prizes. You can learn more about board members here.

SA Symposium 2016 Was A Huge Success!

This year at SA Symposium a wonderful group of visionaries and enthusiasts came together to share, discuss and brainstorm a future of electric aviation. Thank you to all speakers and attendees for making SA Symposium 2016 great! Photos and speakers can be found here. See you in 2017!