Theme Dinner: Batteries with Wings

21 Apr 2017
18:45 - 21:30

Theme Dinner: Batteries with Wings

Hermes™: High Energy Rechargeable Metal Cells for Space”

SolidEnergy is introducing the lightest rechargeable battery the world has ever seen. Independently verified repeatedly by customers, Hermes™ has already demonstrated over 450Wh/kg and has a roadmap to exceed 500Wh/kg by end of 2017. SolidEnergy is currently producing Hermes™ at its state-of-the-art pilot facility in Woburn, MA at 5000 cells per month.

Hermes™ will enable applications such as high altitude drones providing free and open access to internet and education to children in rural areas, and electric autonomous flying transportation reducing stress and CO2 emission during our daily commutes. SolidEnergy’s goal is to bring light to the world.